So, Saturday was a gorgeous day in the Notch (Smugglers, for those non-vermonters) with cold temps and very brittle ice. While my friend Marc and I were cleaning up the anchors at the top of the climb (I am at the "aspiring clown puncher" level of ice climbing, which means top rope everything and use brute strength and ignorance to perform mediocre climbing) we saw several snowmobiles fly through the notch with rescue personnel. Then came the ATV with tracks pulling a sled of firefighters. On our walk out, we see two ambulances, two firetrucks and a group of rescuers waiting around. When we asked what was up, they replied "a snowshoer fell, no big deal." From the thousands of dollars in equipment and man power, it looked like kind of a big deal.
On to Sunday, skiing at Stowe with the college roommate. We see a young-ish kid crumpled under a lift tower, with his friend asking if he is okay. Then we see the sled going down for rescue. Then the ambulance. Then, the Dartmouth helicopter flys into the notch, turns around and sets down. I hope that kid is okay. That must have been one scary ride. I didn't feel much like skiing after seeing the helicopter. Just made me feel like bad luck.